Six Travel Hacks to Reduce Plastic on Your Next Trip

Naturally, we talk a lot about how to live sustainably and that small changes can make a big difference. We Refill It focuses on zero waste products for your home and business, and we want to encourage you to think beyond just living sustainably at home and extend it to your travel.


The travel and tourism industry continues to increase each year and accounts for a large part of our world’s plastic use. When you think of travel, whether it’s your next backpacking adventure, relaxing on a cruise ship, or flying across the country, you are surrounded by simple conveniences that have a negative impact on the planet. Earbuds on an airplane, disposable water bottles, food packaging, plastic cutlery, travel toiletries, and the list goes on.


We’re here to share just how easy it can be to travel sustainably with a few adjustments to your routine. In fact, most of the tips we share will also save you money while you’re traveling. It’s all about shifting tiny habits to make a big difference.


Here are six ways you can reduce plastic on your next trip.


  1. Bring your own reusable water bottle.


Say no to plastic bottles and carry your own wherever you go. According to, 481.6 billion plastic bottles were used worldwide in a single year. That’s 40 billion per month and 1.3 billion per day. The recommended eight glasses of water a day equals about $.49 per year; that same amount of bottled water is $1,400. Lastly, America’s demand for plastic water bottles uses over 17 million barrels of oil annually, enough to fuel 1.3 million cars for a year. This stat does not include the oil for transportation.


Let that sink in for a moment…


Just bringing your own water bottle and filling up wherever you go can significantly impact our planet. If you don’t have a reusable water bottle at your convenience, glass jars are another great option for a refillable beverage container!


Pro Tip: If you’re using a glass jar, you can DIY your own koozie and wrap it in fabric to help keep it from breaking on your travels!

2. Always carry a reusable bag with you.


The number of bags in our oceans and landfills is astronomical. By 2050, the world’s oceans could contain more plastic than fish measured by weight. And, an estimated 300 million plastic bags end up in the Atlantic Ocean every year. 

Thankfully, parts of Oregon are taking a huge steps forward in making an impact by not carrying plastic bags in their grocery stores, encouraging people to bring their own reusable bags. Everywhere should adopt this way of thinking!


We recommend always carrying a reusable bag with you in your car, your backpack, purse, or on your bike. This way, when you travel, you always have a bag with you, whether it’s for groceries, produce from the local market, or gifts from the local shops.


Pro-Tip: Here at We Refill It, we offer eco-friendly and sustainable produce bags that you can keep with you wherever you go. What’s better than fresh produce from the local market?! Hint, our next travel tip on the list!

3. Support the local restaurants and farmer’s markets.


One of our favorite things to do when we travel is to find where the locals hang out. Eating local and choosing seasonal options can significantly impact the community. And, they are often so much tastier than the chain restaurants too!


Depending on where you’re traveling and the season, you can often find a farmer’s market offering fresh, local fruits and vegetables. Not only are you supporting the local farmers, but you’re also cutting out the middle man (food distributors and grocery stores, using more packaging, fuel, and electricity), which is always the more sustainable option.


Pro Tip: Carry your own reusable food container or compostable packaging to wrap your leftovers when eating out.

4. Bring your own toiletries. 


The vast majority of plastics in travel-sized toiletries are not recyclable or will never be recycled. Here at We Refill It, we offer a few simple, cost-effective solutions for you, whether at home, in your business, or on the road. We have you covered, from hand soap and body wash to shampoo containers and toothbrushes. Bringing your own toiletries on your next vacation will not only make a big difference, but it will also save you money over time. 


Pro-Tip: We recommend having a small travel case (eco-friendly, of course) to hold all of your travel toiletries, making it easier to remember on your next vacation.

5. Carry your own utensils. 


Plastic cutlery is everywhere, and most of it can only be used once. Every year billions of utensils are thrown away and end up in the environment. According to National Geographic, most plastic utensils are made of polystyrene, which can release toxic chemicals when heated and can take up to 1,000 years to decompose. In the United States, more than 100 million plastic utensils are used every day. 

That’s A LOT of plastic. 


Most of us have reusable cutlery at home that we use daily. Who says you can’t bring a set with you wherever you go? Then, when you’re in the woods or getting takeout, you can politely say no to the plastic dinnerware. If you followed our first travel hack, you would also have your own cup to fill with your favorite to-go beverage!


Pro Tip: For each group member, take a cloth napkin and wrap one spoon, fork, knife, and reusable straw to use for your travels. If you have your own eco-friendly soap with you, you can wash them in the nearest stream, sink, or wash area!

6. Rethink your snacks.


If you’re anything like us, snack packs are crucial for your travels…especially when traveling with kids. Rather than buying snacks and food from every stop you make, consider packing your own snacks. Not only will this eliminate a large amount of plastic from your travels, but it will also save you money. Getting in the habit of always packing a small cooler for our family travels has saved us hundreds of dollars on every vacation.


A few of the recommended delicious DIY snacks that use less (or no) packaging and are simple, fresh, healthy, and fill you up include...

  • Fresh fruit and veggies (local and in-season)

  • No-bake granola bars

  • Nut butter energy balls

  • Trail Mix

  • Cheese

  • Dried Fruit

  • Beef Jerky


Pro Tip: Ditch the plastic Ziplock bags and use stasher bags, mason jars, and stainless-steel containers to carry your snacks.


We hope this helps you live more sustainably at home, in your business, and on your next travel venture. We'd love to connect with you if you’re looking for more DIY ways to live sustainably. Sign up for our newsletter for new products, tips, tricks, and the latest trends!


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